DataValues - Schema
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Schema: DataValues


Table NameComment
D_ALLOCATION_ACTUALThe actual amount of water diverted at this diversion for the reporting period.
D_ALLOCATION_FLOWDefines the amount of water attributed to the entire allocation. If an allocation has diversions associated with it, then report this information for each diversion.
D_ALLOCATION_LOCATIONThe Location of the detailed allocation, diversion, use, or return flow.
D_ALLOCATION_USEBeneficial use for which the water is used.
D_COMMUNITY_WATER_SUPPLYAdditional Metadata for community water supply uses.
D_CONSUMPTIVE_USEEstimate of water use
D_DIVERSION_ACTUALThe actual amount of water diverted at this diversion for the reporting period.
D_DIVERSION_FLOWDefines the amount of water attributed to the entire allocation. If an allocation has diversions associated with it, then report this information for each diversion.
D_DIVERSION_USEBeneficial use for which the water is used.
D_IRRIGATIONAdditional Metadata for irrigation water supply uses
D_RETURN_FLOW_ACTUALWeb Feature Service feature reference for the return flow
D_THERMOELECTRICAdditional Metadata for thermoelectric water supply uses.
D_USE_AMOUNTThe actual volume of water diverted at this diversion for the reporting period.
D_USE_LOCATIONThe location of the detailed allocation, diversion, use, or return flow
DETAIL_ALLOCATIONDetailed, site specific information on water allocations, diversions, use, and return flows.
DETAIL_DIVERSIONDescription of the location for the diverted water.
DETAIL_RETURN_FLOWThe amount and location of water returned
DETAIL_USEInformation about the use of the water
REPORTING_UNITThe Unit for which the Allocation or Estimate is being reported
S_ALLOCATION_IRRIGATIONAdditional Metadata for irrigation water supply uses
S_AVAILABILITY_AMOUNTEstimate of the water availability for the given time frame as either a volume amount or a relative metric.
S_AVAILABILITY_METRICMetric measuring relative availability of water within this reporting unit.
S_USE_AMOUNTAmount of water used
S_USE_IRRIGATIONAdditional Metadata for irrigation water supply uses
S_WATER_SUPPLY_AMOUNTWater supply summaries for the specified time frame
SUMMARY_ALLOCATIONAnnual summary of water allocations within the reporting unit.
SUMMARY_AVAILABILITYSummary of water availability within the reporting unit.
SUMMARY_REGULATORYSummary of regulatory status for the reporting unit.
SUMMARY_USEAnnual summary of water use within the reporting unit
SUMMARY_WATER_SUPPLYSummary of derived water supply within the reporting unit for the reporting year.





